When Jim Can’t Fix It, Can Andy Help Bury It?
Having already botched their initial inquiry in to investigating Oldham Council failures in protecting children from Grooming Gangs, the latest investigation, led by GM Mayor Andy Burnham’s team of specialists, is also on the verge collapse.
In what is now a predictable pattern replicated in towns across England, where Labour Party politicians rely on the support of the town’s substantial Pakistani & Bangladeshi community to remain in power, yet again it appears that once concerns have been raised, those in power will do whatever it takes to cover up the truth.

In Plain Sight
In the midst of a grooming scandal, where the Council’s claim of bare faced lies has been exposed as nothing but bare faced lies, Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, ABDUL JABBAR launched his re election campaign with a convicted sex offender sat beside him.
This shameless act by a veteran politician only shows how embedded paedophiles and sex offenders are in the Asian community in Oldham. The roots of ABDUL JABBAR’s indifference to his associations with such individuals can be traced to OLDHAM CENTRAL MASJID and followed all the way back to the taxi firm TELECARS.

The Rise of the Cartels
Oldham Council Leader SEAN FIELDING is in trouble. Up for re-election this May, it’s not looking good for him. Sick of the sleaze, Failsworth has a new Independent Party. Labour Party pollsters are already worried. The Leader of Oldham Council is at serious risk of losing his seat.
The likelihood is that come May, with Sean’s unceremonious defeat in Failsworth, Oldham Council will have a new leader. Whilst presenting a united front in public, behind the scenes moves are already being made. At the forefront are three would be candidates. All three enjoy the support of Jim Mcmahon MP. All three are supported by three respective Cartels.

We need to talk about Oldham
Once ranked the second worst council in Britain, where the Government’s own AUDIT COMMISSION described Oldham as ‘ungovernable’, Oldham is increasingly looking like a town run by the Mafia. Now a place where senior figures of the Council openly spend their evenings with convicted heroin dealers, it is a town where deals are done with shadowy figures in the back rooms of smoke filled shisha bars or ice cream parlours that no one quite knows who really owns.
To those that live here, it is quite clear, that Oldham is a town where politicians and Council Officers blatantly do as they please, irrespective of the law.

A Broken Democracy
In a town where democracy is broken, he who controls the Asian vote now controls the town.

Convicted sex offender William Brown
Alarmed parents first found out that William Bell was convicted for sexually assaulting children after reading newspaper reports.

The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But the Truth
Oldham Council Leader, Sean Fielding, spent considerable effort yesterday claiming that the social media stories were ‘bare faced lies’. Perhaps he had yet to read Welcome to Oldham Part V. Or come to think of it, parts I, II, III and IV. Thought I’d help young Sean out and give him an opportunity to tell the truth, just in case he’s forgotten what that actually is. This is former Cllr Rod Blyth. Maybe Sean first needs to ask the grownups who he is and what he did…

Sale of Land to East of Alexandra Centre Retail Park
Last week I brought to people’s attention news of the undervalue and sale of Glodwick Baths. Following my story, there has only been silence from Oldham Council, Cllr Arooj Shah and The Ghazali Trust. Let us be in no doubt whatsoever as to what the concern is - that publicly owned land was undervalued and exchanged with a community organisation to influence the outcome of an election.
This week I bring to public attention the Brothers Mushtaq - Cllr Shaid Mushtaq and his solicitor brother, Tariq Mushtaq and their various interconnected property businesses.

The Fast Track Sale of Glodwick Baths
This Oldham Council Cabinet Report dated 25th January 2016 reveals the Council agreeing to the sale of the old Glodwick Baths. At the time, according to Oldham Council records, JIM McMAHON was still involved in the Cabinet. At the meeting, when the item regarding the sale of the Baths were discussed, Cllr AROOJ SHAH declared a ‘prejudicial interest’…