In Plain Sight
In the midst of a grooming scandal, where Oldham Council’s claim of bare faced lies has been exposed as nothing but bare faced lies, Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, ABDUL JABBAR decided to attempt to outdo both SEAN FIELDING and the now disgraced AROOJ SHAH and launch his re election campaign with a convicted sex offender sat beside him. It is extremely doubtful that his actions were either accidental or made in ignorance. The veteran politician that ABDUL JABBAR is, he knows the Coldhurst Bangladeshi Labour voters well. Like he, this community has a long established tradition of indifference to these crimes. The convicted sex offender had influence over hundreds of votes. So what if he sexually assaulted a young white woman?
The man in question is called Mohammed Islam. He was convicted at Chorley Magistrate Court for Sexual Assault on a female on 26-01-2012. Even though this information was known by powerful figures in the Coldhurst community, until very recently he was also the Chairman of the Committee that ran the OBA Cartel controlled OLDHAM CENTRAL MASJID.
Forced out from his position at the mosque only through sustained online pressure, this convicted sex offender still remains a leading figure in the Coldhurst Labour Party having previously stood as the Labour Party candidate for Coldhurst Councillor in the 2007 local elections when he finished second.
After failing to have me silenced, including failed attempts to have me arrested and also assaulted, those that ran OLDHAM CENTRAL MASJID quietly removed him. They didn’t remove him because they were found out, those that ran the mosque cared that their Chairman sexually assaulted a teenage white young woman who worked with him. Rather, they removed him after members of the mosque congregation became alarmed that the mosque was at risk of investigation by the Charity Commission and risked being closed.
This is something that the Cartel has attempted to claim was my doing as part of their smear campaign claiming that I am anti Muslim. It wasn’t. I had nothing to do with them allowing a convicted sex offender to access children in the mosque. What was my doing was exposing this. If the mosque risked closure, it was the doing of the mosque Management Committee, almost all of whom are also members of the Coldhurst branch of the Labour Party.
Response to a concern raised by a mother by Oldham Council’s Safeguarding lead
By this time, it had also emerged that the Local Authority Designated Safeguarding Officer was aware of his conviction and even though he had access to children, it did not concern Oldham Council.
At no point has those that run this mosque ever explained to the congregation how this appointment was allowed to have taken place. Nor has Cllr ABDUL JABBAR explained why he had this convicted sex offender sat next to him whilst launching his re election campaign from a Council funded and managed facility as recently as January 2020.
This brazen indifference to associations with sex offenders is a clear feature of the OBA Cartel. It does not just stop with Mohammed Islam. This behaviour is entrenched. Whilst Mohammed Islam may no longer hold a prominent position in Oldham Central Mosque, other individuals that should cause alarm remain in position.
Management Committee Member of Oldham Central Masjid
Enter SHOPIK MIAH. A powerful figure in the OBA Cartel controlled Coldhurst community, SHOPIK MIAH was most recently seen in public sharing a platform with the Leader of OLDHAM COUNCIL, SEAN FIELDING and both Deputy Leaders ABDUL JABBAR & AROOJ SHAH. They were all at the party launching the OBA Cartel expansion endorsed candidate in to North Chadderton. Other Labour councillors were also present at the male only event (bar AROOJ SHAH).
Shopik Miah is fourth from right of North Chadderton Labour Candidate Nazrul Islam, Sean Fielding and Cllr Mohon Ali
Here is one example of multiple communications leaked to me regarding SHOPIK MIAH. A former TELECARS taxi driver, he is now a member of the Management Committee of the OBA controlled OLDHAM CENTRAL MASJID and also an active member of the Coldhurst branch of the Labour Party. I think he holds a branch position as Cashier or Treasurer.
The young woman he is making his advances on has confirmed she is 17 years old. SHOPIK MIAH is not deterred.
SHOPIK MIAH is not just a married man. He has children and grand children. Using his powerful position in the community, he has been making advances on a number of young girls. In the OBA Cartel controlled Coldhurst, it is very very difficult for these young women to speak out against sleazy men like SHOPIK MIAH. Not only do family members of these girls work for Cartel controlled businesses, where they will lose their jobs should they speak out, their father’s go to the same mosque and their families will be shamed. As is always the case, it will be twisted to appear as if it was the girl’s fault. These girls are powerless. Or they were.
SHOPIK MIAH and the OBA Cartel are all powerful in the community. They believe they are protected because of the block vote they deliver ABDUL JABBAR and JIM McMAHON. Through his past employment as a taxi driver for the Cartel controlled taxi firm TELECARS, SHOPIK MIAH knows nothing will happen to him, just as nothing happened to the gang of taxi drivers from TELECARS that gang raped a local young girl a number of years ago. The story is a well known one amongst many of us from within the community. It goes something like this.
A 14 year old Bangladeshi girl, trying to make sense of the world and her place in it, was groomed by a number of taxi drivers. Over a period of time, they all raped her and she fell pregnant. To avoid the scandal, as this young girl was now considered used goods that no one would marry, OBA Cartel elders stepped in and made arrangements with her parents. They helped find her a husband and her father was suitably compensated (yes, you read that right - I believe they bought him a Ford Sierra) and the abuse was hushed up. I don’t blame the family. They were powerless to go the the real authorities and even then the perception amongst many in the community is that the OBA Cartel control the authorities including the police.
At the bissar - a type of cultural court similar to a Sharia Court, those that sat in judgement tried to determine which one of their OBA Cartel taxi driver foot soldiers may be the father, one of these rapists came up with a remarkable defence.
‘The baby can’t be mine. When I took my turn, I used a condom.’
Once TELECARS closed down, many of these former taxi drivers moved on to hold positions at Oldham Central Masjid and the Coldhurst Branch of Oldham Labour. Why is anyone’s guess. Mine is so that the can continue to access young women and continue to remain protected.
For those who are unaware of the history of TELECARS, please let me take a moment to share a number of essential facts. TELECARS was based on the first floor of the WESTWOOD EAST Restaurant. Once the Westwood Conservative Club, this building was purchased and refurbished with the support of a government grant by family members of Cllr ABDUL JABBAR and at the time his brother, a senior policy officer in Oldham Council, ABDUL KARIM.
ABDUL KARIM is now also Secretary of OLDHAM CENTRAL MASJID where the Chairman was outed as a convicted sex offender and where SHOPIK MIAH uses his powerful position to make sexual advances with impunity on young women. This is the same mosque where JIM McMAHON would regularly turn up to nibble on his samosas and thank the Management Committee for ‘help with all the votes’. Yes, its also the same mosque that received a 18 year interest free loan on public land bought at what the Council have finally been forced to admit was a heavily discounted price.
Andy Burnham’s Flawed Inquiry
I’m not surprised that the inquiry in to the grooming, rape and trafficking of girls in Oldham is trying to exclude going back to the time TELECARS operated. No doubt the direct links with Oldham Central Masjid, Oldham Council and ABDUL JABBAR will be uncomfortable for those that run Oldham.
TELECARS was caught up in a police investigation. Its taxi drivers were providing ‘free’ taxi rides to young White girls in the neighbourhood. There was also a poor Asian girl who had been groomed and lured to hang around outside their offices. When finally the police intervened, specifically after the women that worked on the radios in the office had rescued this Asian child, they launched an investigation. The outcome was no charges and no convictions.
A friend of mine shared with me recently of because how disgusted he was by what happened, he left TELECARS. The vast majority of people are not racists. They know that every Asian man is NOT a would be paedophile and is equally repulsed by what has taken place as every other decent human being. Before my friend left, he spoke with a police officer as to why no one had been convicted. He shared with me the response to him by a serving police officer. I’ll finish by sharing it with you all.
‘If we start making arrests, we wouldn’t know where to stop. We’d probably end up arresting half the men in Coldhurst!’