The Politicians
Jim McMahon MP
Jim McMahon Former Leader of Oldham Council and now MP for Oldham West & Royton, many believe that McMahon still holds a grip over the Labour Party run Oldham Council.
Following the death of Michael Meacher, McMahon used a Labour Party loophole to bypass an ‘all woman’ shortlist to secure the Labour Party nomination for the 2015 by-election. His victory was mired in allegations of electoral fraud where over 25% of registered votes were cast by post. The vast majority from the Asian wards.
Once elected, in addition to his salary, he immediately racked up record expenses approaching £250,000. Meanwhile, in the town he allegedly represents, the Council strategy to attract new business includes highlighting the low wages of its residents. Unsurprisingly, McMahon had also been one of the highest paid Council leaders in the country.
Currently avoiding answering any questions of the role he played in covering up news of paedophiles from the people of Oldham. Leaked BBC correspondence shows he used the funeral of LEE RIGBY to keep news of the Shisha Bar Grooming Gangs hidden away for fear of damaging ‘community relations’.
Sean Fielding - Leader of Oldham Council
Sean Fielding Leader of Oldham Council. A protege of Jim McMahon MP, Fielding took control of Oldham Council in a coup after he ousted previous leader Jean Stretton. Once in control, Fielding immediately all but relegated Stretton’s entire leadership team to the back benches.
Prone to irresponsibly using social media, Fielding drew controversy tweeting a picture of his ripped underwear held aloft by his girlfriend whilst he described a sexual fantasy. He did this in the days immediately after the announcement of 2 investigations in to historical child abuse. This was after he had already ridiculed a petition calling for an independent investigation where he used the exact same words as used to dismiss the children who were raped and then ignored - ‘crying wolf’.
Fielding holds a Council seat in Failsworth where both he and his father are well known. Up for re-election in May, Fielding is infamous in the local community for issuing threats of legal action to those who criticise him. Fielding is also facing questions of how his girlfriend secured a job at the GMCA in a department where has lead responsibility.
Arooj Shah - Deputy Leader
Arooj Shah Having been soundly beaten by an independent candidate in 2016, Shah returned to the Council in 2018 after secured the safe South Chadderton Labour ticket with the support of Jim McMahon. Shah took to social media to celebrate her victory on election night with a selfie alongside a convicted kidnapper who tortured and sexually abused his victims.
Once re-elected, Shah was immediately appointed Deputy Leader in the coup that overthrew Stretton. Her portfolio now includes holding the strategic responsibility for ‘justice’.
In addition to her Council role, Shah works directly for Jim McMahon in his parliamentary office and for a period owned an Ice Cream Parlour that she failed to declare her interests in. She is also currently mired in controversy due to her association with another convicted felon. This time, Dale Cregan’s getaway driver. Yes, that’s the same Dale Cregan that murdered 2 local policewomen.
Shah is currently resisting calls to step down and is citing sexism as the reason as to why she finds herself under scrutiny. Insiders in the Labour Party confirm that she maintains the confidence of McMahon and Fielding has also publicly stated that she has done nothing wrong!
Abdul Jabbar - Deputy Leader
Abdul Jabbar Councillor for Coldhurst, one of the most deprived areas in England, Jabbar has held his position overseeing Oldham’s finances longer than any other Councillor. After the coup that replaced nearly all of Stretton’s leadership team, Jabbar was the only one that retained his position. He even retained his title, though many now regard him as the ‘plastic deputy’.
The reason why he retained his position becomes clear when you examine Jabbar’s powerbase. He controls the vast majority of Bangladeshi votes in Oldham. Interestingly, unlike all the other Coldhurst Labour politicians, Jabbar is not a direct member of the OBA Cartel that control Coldhurst. Though each time he has retained his seat with the support of the OBA Cartel.
Jabbar and his family hold multiple business interests and his brother, Abdul Karim, is the Secretary of Oldham Central Mosque. This mosque was recently forced to remove its Chairman after being exposed as a convicted sex offender. The mosque had also failed to conduct DBS checks on other members of its Committee.
Jabbar is currently up for re-election in May having automatically secured the Labour Party nomination in Coldhurst where the branch is suspended due to concerns of electoral fraud. Meanwhile, Jabbar is an opponent of electoral reform and recently appeared on the BBC to share his objections to introducing voter I.D.
Dr Zahid Chauhan
Dr Zahid Chauhan Regardless of official position, he is Chief Whip of the Oldham Labour Party.
Chauhan is a partner or has an interest in over a dozen doctor’s surgeries and medical centres that benefit from funds directed to them via various public sector agencies.
A close associate of Jim McMahon’s, Chauhan is often spotted in meetings with McMahon where Oldham Council Leader, Sean Fielding, is not present.
Widely considered by many to be the party ‘fixer’, Chauhan, helps ensure that the various Asian factions that Oldham Labour rely on to maintain power are kept in line. Chauhan has attempted to become MP a number of times, on each occasion he was unsuccessful.
If there were bodies buried by the MP or the Council in Oldham, Dr Chauhan would likely know where they are and who put them there. No one messes with the Doctor.
The Council Officers
Dr Carolyn Wilkins - Chief Executive
Dr Carolyn Wilkins appointed Chief Executive of Oldham Council whilst Jim McMahon was Leader.
Originally holding the post of Deputy Chief Executive, Dr Wilkins, stepped up to become Temporary Chief Executive after the previous Chief Executive left. At the time, perhaps recognising her inexperience, Sir Howard Burnstein was brought in to provide additional support. Dr Wilkins surprised many when she was subsequently announced permanently in to her role.
Since her appointment, Dr Wilkins has made a number of questionable appointments. Her leadership team includes former Rossendale Chief Executive, Helen Lockwood who was criticised in official reports for her role in Rossendale and the former senior Police officer, Rebecca Sutcliffe who was found guilty of gross misconduct in the now infamous ‘boob-gate’ scandal.
Wilkins is also mired in controversy over the Council refusal to share with the public why the Chief Planning Officer, Steven Irvine, was suspended for gross misconduct and then allowed to resign with no further action being taken. Her procurement department is also currently under scrutiny with a case currently going through Tribunal.
Following concerns raised that Wilkins was aware of and helped cover up a Council employee (Cllr Oliver Ryan) campaigning for Jim McMahon in work time, a former Councillor has written to the Council Leader demanding her suspension pending an investigation.
Dr Wilkins salary and associated expenses cost the Oldham tax payer in the region of £250,000 per annum.
Helen Lockwood - Deputy Chief Executive
Helen Lockwood joined Oldham Council as executive director of co-operatives and neighbourhoods in January 2015. At the time of her appointment Oldham Council leader, Jim McMahon said this of her appointment - ‘…will provide the organisation with the leadership, skills and expertise we need to meet the key challenges we face – at a time of falling budgets and increasing demand.’
Unfortunately, within days of leaving her post as Chief Executive of Rossendale Council, a series of management failures came to light over a project that Lockwood had taken a ‘close interest’ in. The subsequent investigation in to the failed Empty Homes Project, identified a long list of failures including the council awarding a contract through which the supplier was paid £3.3m without undertaking any procurement process, by the decision of a officer under delegated powers
The scathing report specifically stated of Lockwood, ‘we understand that the former Chief Executive took a close interest in the programme and strongly supported it. However we have been told that she often worked directly with the Health and Housing Manager and bypassed the Head of Health, Housing and Regeneration. Nor does she appear to have involved or informed the Management Team… Whatever the former Chief Executive's involvement, nor did she did [sic] act effectively to check the action being taken.’
Rebecca Sutcliffe - Strategic Director
Rebecca Sutcliffe Appointed Strategic Director of Reform on 1st January 2019 at a starting salary of £122,000. Prior to her permanent appointment, Sutcliffe had been seconded to the council where the salary cost had been shared with the Police..
Whilst with the Police, Sutcliffe was shamed for baring her breast during a drunken rant against a junior colleague. She was found guilty of gross misconduct. In November 2016, Sutcliffe was disciplined for behaving 'shockingly, cruelly, and hurtfully'.
GMP insiders said she had been ‘effectively sidelined’, when in early in 2017, she was seconded from the force to Oldham council to oversee a project to encourage police and other public bodies to work more closely together.
Even though Sutcliffe was introducing herself as Strategic Director of Reform in official Oldham Council communications as early as July 2018, the advert for the post of Strategic Director of Reform was not placed on a local government recruitment pages until November 2018. Sutcliffe’s appointment was subsequently confirmed in an Oldham Council statement.
Paul Entwistle - Borough Solicitor
Paul Alan Entwistle was appointed in to his role as Borough Solicitor on a temporary basis in early 2009. He has held this position since. Previosly, he was Oldham Council’s Assistant Director of Legal Services, a role he had progressed to after first joining the Council in junior role in 1991, soon after first qualifying as a solicitor.
As part of his duties, Entwistle holds the position of Monitoring Officer where he is responsible for administrating complaints regarding the conduct of a member of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council or a member of one of the Parish Councils. He also has influence over responding to Freedom of Information requests, including delaying and/or refusing them such as that of Chronic -Oldham’s request in to how much money had been spent on Jim McMahon’s failed Hotel Future venture.
Most recently, Entwistle claimed that it was not the responsibility of the Council to check the accuracy of declarations of interest made by Councillors. This was in response to the debacle of Arooj Shah’s declarations regarding Gelato’s Ice Lounge.
Entwistle is currently under investigation by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) following allegations made by ex Cllr Kaiser Rehman. Rehman has complained that Entwistle hid pertinent information to frame a Councillor for wrong doing relating to the reporting of sexual abuse allegations. If found guilty, Entwistle faces being struck off immediately.
Sex Offenders, Peadophiles & other Criminals
Shabir ‘Daddy’ Ahmed
Shabir Ahmed was the ringleader of the Rochdale grooming gang. He was convicted for 22 years for two counts of rape, one count of sexual assault, trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child. From Oldham, he was an active member of the Labour Party and witnesses confirm he was ‘regularly’ in and out of the MPs office.
Kept hidden from most people in Oldham, Shabir Ahmed was an employee of Oldham Council where he reportedly worked with vulnerable children and families. Oldham Council Leader, Sean Fielding, is so far refusing to answer what exactly Shabir Ahmed did for the Council.
Simon Carter
Simon Carter had been sacked by Oldham Council in 2010 after being caught looking at sexual images on his computer, including pictures of ‘pre-teens’. This information had been passed to the police at the time, but no further action had been taken.
Unbelievably, following his dismissal from Oldham Council, Carter went on to become a Labour Party Councillor in 2012 in the neighbouring town of Bury. No official communication seems to have taken place from Oldham Council with Bury Council warning them as to why he had been sacked in Oldham. This failure assisted in allowing Carter to not just become a Councillor, he alarmingly also secured positions as a governor of multiple schools!
Eventually, an Oldham Council employee, acting in their own capacity, contacted Bury Council to make them aware of Carter's past, not because he was a Councillor or even a school governor but because he had now managed to get himself on the adoption register!
When made aware of Carter's past, two Bury council officers deliberately delayed investigating paedophilia allegations against him in order to help the Labour Party's chances in 2015’s knife-edge general election.
Liaqat Mahmood
Liaqat Mahmood sexually abused children in his role as an imam teaching children. Two of his victims were under 10 years of age when their ordeal began. Though his crimes date back to 1997, his offending was first reported to police on 9th February 2015. He was sentenced on 22nd September 2017.
Rumours are circulating that this beast received character references from a Labour Mayor (I have submitted an FOI seeking clarification). In the past, character references were also provided by Labour Councillors to paedophiles convicted in Rochdale.
The UK Islamic Mission, who are responsible for theEuropean Islamic Centre (EIC), have recently issued a statement stating that Liaqat Mahmood was ‘not one of their members nor did they ever employ him’. Unfortunately, in their statement, they do not clarify if Mahmood had any form of association with them (such as a freelancer, volunteer, advisor or management committee member) or whether he attended one of their mosques and if he did, in what capacity.
The UK Islamic Missionisitself an organisation with known extremist links. As well as a number of Labour Councillors also having close associations with the EIC, Jim McMahon is also a known supporter of the work of the EIC and has confirmed that he has attended the venue ‘a number of times’.
Irish Imy
Mohammed Imran Ali is a notorious gangland figure. Prior to being convicted for his role as Dale Cregan’s getaway driver, Irish Imy had already been given jail sentences totalling 16 years. His time in prison includes 42 months (3 1/2 years) in a Young Offenders’ Institution for drug trafficking, followed by a further 4 year sentence in an adult prison for possession of heroin with intent to supply. He was then imprisoned a 3rd time for 7 years. This time he had progressed from for suppling heroine and added cocaine to his list of products.
Other convictions include criminal damage and assault. He has also admitted his involvement in trading stolen goods including illicit steroids and Viagra.
Most recently, he was sentenced to 7 years after admitted to driving Dale Cregan and two other alleged assassins out of Manchester following a gun and grenade murder of David Short. Whilst on the run, Dale Cregan then went on to murder 2 local policewomen using the same tactics.
During his time in prison Irish Imy managed to take to Facebook and issue post a snap of a huge tattoo of two guns with the word ‘vengeance’ drawn across his back. Understandably, this caused considerable distress to the friends and family of the murdered police women.
Upon his recent release from prison, he has quickly taken to social media to not only confirm his relationship with Cllr AROOJ SHAH but also attack those that dare to criticise the Deputy Leader of Oldham Council and Jim McMahon’s parliamentary assistant.
Irish Imy has described the murder of the 2 policewomen, PCs Nicola Hughes (23) and Fiona Bone (32) as ‘unfortunate’ and has confirmed that his ‘scouts’ have been following Raja Miah.
He claims to be a devout Muslim and a humanitarian.