Testimony I : My Baby Girl
Butterfly Girl | Tabby
My Baby Girl
Between 2010 to 2013, my daughter was involved in child sex exploitation. It started when she was just 14 years old. The men who did this to her were Asian and drug lords living in Oldham. She knows who the perpetrators are but is still too mentally exhausted and scared to do anything about it. She was let down badly by The MESSENGER TEAM* and failed by Greater Manchester Police. The aftercare was non existent.
We, as a family, have been traumatised and had to deal with the after affects of what these men did to her. She hasn’t told us a great deal of what happened as she dosent want to upset us but the bits she has told us are horrible.
My daughter was NOT a vulnerable girl. She comes from a very stable family and both parents are professionals. These men were hanging around the school gates. At the time she went to COUNTHILL* but when they merged both COUNTHILL and BREEZEHILL together to make WATERHEAD ACADEMY is when the grooming started.
She has friends that were also sexually abused. I see many of these broken girls now in violent relationships who won't go to the Police as they believe this treatment is normal. I truly hope the accusations against these councillors are not true but what I know that is 100% true is grooming is taking place in Oldham because it happened to my daughter and my family.
My daughter still continues to struggle coping in the adult world. She is frozen in time at 14 and never got the chance to grow as she should have. It’s really shocking if you knew what we had been through as a family it would make your toes curl.
My daughter told me she used to pray that when the police stopped the car she was in and saw her in the back, they would remove her but they didn’t. She used to pray they would take her home from yards she was in but they didn’t. She dosent tell us much as she’s petrified and humiliated and traumatised and dosent want to hurt us but the bits she has opened up about is horrible. She told us they piled her with drugs before doing what they did to her in a car on a dirt track.
She recognises the younger girls that are now being groomed as shes sees it clearly for obvious reasons. She was with other girls she had never ever seen before from Bradford etc who where being brought to Oldham and passed around. The TEACHERS knew this was going on but they where powerless as we were as parents.
My friends and family know what we went through, just not in such detail. If my daughter would find the strength I would help her blow so much out of the water.
All of her records are with Social Services and down at St Mary’s Sexual Crime Centre. Greater Manchester Police and the Messenger Team will all have logs from that time too.
The moment my daughter turned 16, the Messenger Team turned her away. The heartless woman who dealt with her claimed it was not her problem.
I could go on and on. So long as my daughter’s and our identity is protected it's fine to post for her sake more than anything.
GM Mayor Andy Burnham & an investigation now no longer fit for purpose
After community pressure has forced them to back track on his original claim of ‘bare faced lies’, SEAN FIELDING’s Oldham Council is now attempting to restrict the scope and scale of the investigation in to the grooming, rape and human trafficking of working class white girls in the town.
Following the spectacular failure of the Council’s own attempts at an inquiry when handpicked ‘renowned’ expert, Dr Peel, refused to undertake an ‘Internal Review; Leader of Oldham Council, SEAN FIELDING, approached GM Mayor, ANDY BURNHAM for help. Whilst there is confidence in BURNHAM’s team of investigators, who pulled no punches in holding Manchester Council and Greater Manchester Police to account, the Terms of Reference of the Oldham investigation appear to have been carefully censored to keep the investigation away from uncomfortable truths.
This harrowing testimony now destroys any claims of legitimacy that ANDY BURNHAM’s team have in allowing Oldham Council to decide what can and cannot be investigated. If ANDY BURNHAM wishes to avoid becoming complicit in what the people of Oldham belief to be a cover up, he must instruct his team to rip up the existing Terms of Reference and allow his investigators to do as they did in Manchester and Rochdale and have a free hand to investigate everything.
These are some of the reasons why this investigation is currently not fit for purpose.
*The Messenger Team was a dedicated police squad established to fight child rape and abduction in Oldham. Read this article from 2012 clearly acknowledging that child sex exploitation was ‘rife’. The case file of the Messenger Team is omitted in the existing Terms of Reference in the planned investigation.
*Counthill School has been leaked to me several times as a place where children were groomed and school staff were rescuing children from homes where they were being ‘hosted’ by Asian men. The Terms of Reference of the proposed investigation by Oldham Council to ANDY BURNHAM’s team excludes investigating schools.
*Between 2010-2013, JIM McMAHON held the position of Leader of Oldham Council. He is already refusing to respond to leaked emails that incriminate him and the BBC of using the funeral of LEE RIGBY to keep news of Grooming Gangs hidden from parents. The term ‘community relations’ is specifically used in the leaked email. The existing Terms of Reference makes no reference to allowing Investigators to question senior figures in Oldham Council, past or present.
*Oldham Council is continuing to encourage victims to come forward and report to the Council led MASH team. As can be seen, many of these victims were already known to the Authorities and had already been failed by them. The existing Terms of Reference does not support victims to come forward to an alternative agency that has not failed them in the past. If you were a historical victim, and having already been failed by the Council and its partners, would you go back to them?
The existing Terms of Reference shaped by SEAN FIELDING and Oldham Council are clearly not fit for purpose. An examination of the document clearly suggests that Oldham Council have already identified where they think they may have failed and have selected specific dates and venues that they think is of relevance. To have achieved this, they would have had to have reviewed all necessary files.
Yet here we find ourselves where under the current Terms of Reference, this case and other cases like this, would be ignored.
I find it difficult to believe that during their desktop audit of historical cases, the team at Oldham Council failed to come across this case. I cannot say for certain whether this omission was accidental or an attempt to cover up what has taken place in Oldham. What I can say for certain is that following this testimony, neither SEAN FIELDING nor Oldham Council Chief Executive Dr CAROLYN WILKINS or her team of Officers be in anyway allowed to influence the Terms of Reference of the investigation in to the Grooming gangs and the rape of working class girls by Asian men, including former employee(s) of Oldham Council.
My position is a simple one. The Mayor of Greater Manchester, ANDY BURNHAM, must tear up the existing Terms of Reference of the Oldham investigation and take steps to assure the people of not just Oldham but the entire country, that neither he nor his team will allow themselves to be in any way implicated in a cover up in Oldham.
Raja Miah MBE