Welcome to Oldham Part VII
Amour Plated | Nick Walker
Whilst Cartels control our streets, the police pose for pictures alongside criminals handing out sweets
It was only a matter of time before I was called in to a police station. If I’m honest, I’m surprised that it has taken this long. I know that for the best part of a year senior Labour Party politicians have attempted to have me arrested. So far they had failed and I have continued to raise concerns regarding the failings of those that lead my hometown of Oldham.
What I am not surprised about, however, is the smear campaign directed towards me by a number of key senior politicians in Oldham including Jim McMahon, Debbie Abrahams, Angela Rayner, Sean Fielding and of course Arooj Shah. As well as mobilising their friends in the mainstream media to print lies about me, members of criminal Cartels that benefit from their relationship with these politicians have also attempted to silence me.
I have already evidenced how since I began raising concerns, the Deputy Leader of the Council has endorsed my murder and an extremist associated with her has attempted to incite jihadists to murder me.
Contrary to their combined efforts, the fact remains that the majority of people in our town have chosen to believe me instead of them. The simple truth is that I am not a criminal and despite their best efforts, the Police are yet to charge me with any crime. It will not have gone unnoticed that I am not a heroin dealer, I have never tortured anyone, I have never been accused of or convicted of money laundering. I have not been imprisoned, nor, as has been claimed by the brother of Cllr SAHID MUSHTAQ, have I ever had any form of sexual relationship with a 14 year old child.
People who know me will confirm that I have spent over 25 years of my life working with children and young people as well as helping safeguard our communities from extremists and those who would do our nation harm. Over my career, I have informed, advised and directly worked with multiple Prime Ministers and Secretaries of State, and by the time I was 30 years old I had been awarded an MBE for my services to my country. These people can try and smear me all they want. They have failed and they will continue to fail. Do not fear them. Do not fear any of them.
On Sunday 5th July 2020, I spoke at length with DC ANDY DAY from Greater Manchester Police. DC Day requested that I ‘volunteer’ for an interview under caution regarding a complaint he was investigating under Section 106 of the Representation of People’s Act. He would neither specify who had made the complaint or how I may have broken the law, though he did make it clear to me that should I not ‘volunteer’ then the Police had the powers of arrest.
Fearing that, as with the recent case of KAISER REHMAN who was arrested from outside his family home whilst his daughter watched him be taken away and that the Police would arrest me whilst I was visiting my dying mother or picking up my daughter from school, I arranged to go to Oldham Police Station and ‘volunteer’ to be interviewed under caution. I think that it is important that at this point that I make it clear that DS ANDY DAY was nothing but courteous during the 3 1/2 hours I spent in the police’s company.
DS Day disclosed two pieces of evidence and I have spent the night awake, restless and ill at ease with what he shared with me. The complaint had been made by the OLDHAM EAST & SADDLEWORTH MP, DEBBIE ABRAHAMS.
Those who follow my social media postings will know that I refer to her as DEBBIE KASHMIR, as my observations are that she has more of an interest in fighting to raise awareness of the human rights abuses in Kashmir than the grooming, gang rape and trafficking of children in her own constituency.
I made it very clear to DS ANDY DAY that it was my belief that DEBBIE ABRAHAMS’ complaint was a politically motivated action that was attempting to silence me. Furthermore, I shared my belief that the complaint presented to me, that had already involved 8 months of Police and CPS time, would not have reached this stage had she not been a powerful politician who enjoyed a close relationship with the GM MAYOR and POLICE & CRIME COMMISSIONER, ANDY BURNHAM.
DEBBIE ABRAHAMS had taken to the police two of my social media posts. The first was from Twitter and the second from Facebook. People can review them both by clicking on the two links.
As a side issue, I noted that the statements I made in reference to JIM McMAHON, in my opinion of a more serious nature, had not been raised by McMAHON with the Police. Instead of complaining about me, McMAHON chose to raise a similar Section 106 complaint with the Police towards DEBBIE BARRATT COLE - the disabled grandmother who had refused to back down at a Council meeting when threatened by the police after SEAN FIELDING had twice led his Councillors and Officers out of the Council Chambers rather than respond to her concerns on the Grooming Gangs.
I know a coward and a bully when I see one. I know why McMAHON did not submit a complaint regarding my reference to him in my posts. The truth is a simple thing. By now the majority of people in Oldham are aware of the damning email exchange between JIM McMAHON, whilst Leader of Oldham Council, and the BBC journalist KEVIN FITZPATRICK and the use of LEE RIGBY’s funeral to keep news of grooming gangs operating out of shisha bars hidden from the people of our town.
Those who have followed my disclosures with a keen interest will also be aware of how JIM McMAHON not only failed to co-operate with the Government’s Home Affairs Select Committee, he also kept this from his fellow councillors., The Home Affairs Select Committee had wanted information on McMAHON’s Council’s actions regarding the rape of a child Clearly McMAHON prefers on taking on disabled grandmother’s instead of someone his own size.
In reference to the two posts that DEBBIE ABRAHAMS took to the police station and the reason why I have spent the night awake - I have come to the conclusion that both were selectively edited/cropped/misrepresented, call it what you will, prior to her presenting her ‘evidence’ and that the reason for this was to give a false and misleading impression of what I actually wrote.
DS ANDY DAY, once shown the entirety of the Facebook post, acknowledged that the vast majority of the post had been omitted from what she had shared with the Police. Below is the post and immediate follow up posts in their entirety. ABRHAMS, for reasons known only to her, had cropped the post so that it ended with the link of convicted paedophiles in the Labour Party and then jumped to the cartoon.
DEBBIE ABRAHAMS had complained that the asking of a question at the beginning of this post was somehow evidence that I had presented a FACT. For me to be in breach of Section 106 of the Representation of People’s Act I would have to published a false statement of fact. Here is the law.
Section 106 makes it illegal for any person to publish any false statement of fact in relation to the candidate's personal character or conduct, unless he or she can show that he had reasonable grounds for believing that statement to be true.
To make matters worse for her, and unfortunately both the Police and the CPS, who authorised the Police to invite me in, it is my belief that DEBBIE ABRAHAMS strategically cropped my post to exclude the reminder of what I wrote. I found myself being extensively questioned by DS DAY on what I might have meant by the extract rather than the full post.
Unbelievably, he confirmed that prior to my solicitor bringing up the full post on his mobile phone, he had not seen it. My guess is that as the Police forwarded the ‘evidence’ to the CPS to review, the CPS would not have seen the full post either.
Even if I were to give this politician the benefit of the doubt regarding the cropping of this post when submitting her complaint, I was left in no doubt that this had been an intentional action by her once I had come home to reflect and review the second document that she had submitted for complaint. You guessed it, this had also been doctored!
Below is a screen grab of what I posted on Twitter.
DS ANDY DAY spent considerable time requiring that I clarify my initial tweet as my follow up tweet, clearly stating that I did not claim that I accused her of covering it up but rather that she has not done enough to help, had been deleted in her ‘evidence’ that she took to the police.
So also had been deleted confirmation from the husband of the victim that he believed that DEBBIE ABRAHAMS had not done enough to call it out and that I ‘had a point’. I believe all of this had been strategically omitted in what the Police and CPS had been presented with.
Of course, I am disappointed that the Police did not click a few buttons and check, though interestingly I was asked if I deleted or edited my posts! No DS ANDY DAY, it is quite clear to me who has been tampering with evidence. Wouldn’t you agree? And once again I raise my belief, that if an ordinary member of the public had raised this complaint, at the very least the police would have checked the authenticity of the evidence before having strong words with what is clearly a malicious complaint. A complaint that attempted to manipulate the Police in to harassing and criminalising a law abiding citizen.
It is my belief, that not only has DEBBIE ABRAHAMS, the Member of Parliament for OLDHAM EAST & SADDLEWORTH, wasted police time, she has gone one step further and attempted to have me falsely arrested. If proven, both of these are serious crimes and can result in a custodial sentence. I am not in the business of wasting police time nor attempting to try and have people arrested.
I will give DEBBIE ABRAHAMS until 5pm on Monday 20th July 2020 to issue an unreserved public apology for her actions else I will be formally raising this matter with the police.