Welcome to Oldham Part VI
Do not fear them.
Do not fear any of them.
On the 8th January 2020, Oldham changed forever when the Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, AROOJ SHAH stood to present a motion claiming to tackle harassment and abuse in public life. Instead, she used the opportunity to defend her friendship with a notorious underworld figure who had assisted DALE CREGAN in his killing spree that included the murder of two policewomen, one from Oldham. Incredulously, the Council Chamber responded by rising to their feet and gave her a standing ovation.
Cllr SHAH first came to my attention in the lead up to last May’s local election when her and her employer, JIM McMAHON MP were scheduled to attend OLDHAM CENTRAL MOSQUE to hold an election rally. It has been since exposed that this mosque was ‘sold’ land that was first undervalued before receiving a 18 year interest free loan from OLDHAM COUNCIL. The mosque, who’s Management Committee is almost exclusively members of the Coldhurst brach of the Labour Party, has been named in the national media as being at a centre of postal vote harvesting, Indeed, in separate posts I have demonstrated the clear link between OLDHAM CENTRAL MOSQUE, JIM McMAHON and Oldham Council.
The Council have been also exposed as failing to intervene in their statutory safeguarding duty after it was revealed that they were aware that the Chairman of OLDHAM CENTRAL MOSQUE was a convicted sex offender who had access to children.
Having had Arooj Shah, the DEPUTY LEADER of OLDHAM COUNCIL brought to my attention, whistleblowers from within OLDHAM COUNCIL secretly contacted me to make me aware of her ownership of GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE. Cllr SHAH had failed to declare her interest in this venture of hers.
Cllr SHAH then retrospectively declared her interest in GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE, claiming that she did not receive an income from this business. Unfortunately for Cllr SHAH, her declaration was FALSE as a search of Companies House records showed that she was the only registered Director of GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE If she was not receiving the income from GELATO’s then the only alternative was that she was fronting GELATO’s for what are known as ‘shadow directors’. Those familiar with the law will know that fronting a business for ‘shadow directors’ is illegal.
Once exposed, Cllr SHAH then submitted forms detailing her transfer of GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE to a date conveniently prior to when she became a Councillor. Unfortunately, for Cllr SHAH, Companies House specifically records the date when this form was submitted.
Also, if this was the case and she had sold the business before she became a Councillor, why did Cllr SHAH not only make the retrospective declaration in May 2019 but also falsely quantify her role within the business?
The concerns only grow as others from within the community, fearful for their lives should they release this information, brought to my attention that Cllr SHAH’s brother was a convicted criminal having received a 4 year sentence after pleading guilty to MONEY LAUNDERING.
All of this information was shared with OLDHAM COUNCIL. All of the correct forms were completed. The response from an anonymous Council committee that met in secret was to claim that there was nothing to see here.
Having dared to publicly take on Cllr SHAH, other concerned members of Oldham’s communities began to contact me with more serious concerns regarding AROOJ SHAH. It seemed that whilst she claimed that the St Mary’s brach of the LABOUR PARTY attempted to deselect her because they were misogynists, respected elders in the community wanted her out because of her relationships with serious underworld figures.
I have since shared the details of 2 individuals, using AROOJ SHAH’s own photographs that have been leaked to me. You can see that both have committed the most heinous of crimes. I understand that this compilation of the leaked photographs has been shared across the world to an audience of millions.
For those interested in either ZIA HUSSAIN or IRISH IMY please click on the links
Following these revelations, AROOJ SHAH, has first breached GDPR and used my contact details that OLDHAM COUNCIL had to have her solicitors contact me threatening to sue me. Oldham Council have confirmed that these solicitors did not contact me at their instructions. I have challenged these solicitors and have not since heard back from them.
AROOJ SHAH has also attempted to have me arrested by the Police. The Police have refused as I am clearly not breaking the law bringing this information to public attention.
In desperation, and assisted by Oldham Council Leader SEAN FIELDING and her Councillor colleague SAHID MUSHTAQ (who is also under scrutiny following whistleblowers approaching me regarding his family’s business dealings) AROOJ SHAH used Wednesday’s Council meeting to attempt something both predictable and then something genuinely astonishing.
Crying Wolf
The predictable was to attempt to claim that I am a misogynist. To demonstrate this AROOJ SHAH claimed the following
"He also indicated in other posts that he has an inbox full of stories about my personal life and he makes threats to publish these"
This did sound familiar and a search on my Facebook timeline in a post dated the 9th October 2019, revealed this
"Arooj Shah’s link with Dale Cregan - Yes, you have read that right! Now, first of all let me make something very clear, I have absolutely no interest in Arooj Shah’s private life. I have an inbox full of stories about her personal life. I’m not interested in any of them. I, myself, am fully aware of the abuse that someone from the Asian community faces when they chose not to follow a traditional lifestyle."
AROOJ SHAH will not be able to prove that I made any threats to publish any details of her personal life. So confident am I of this I am certain that she has made a statement with the intention of misleading the Council and the wider public.
You will notice that Cllr SHAH does not mention my name, though it is clear to anyone that has followed this story who she is referring to. I have written to the Chief Executive of OLDHAM COUNCIL, Dr CAROLYN WILKINS asking her to deny that the DEPUTY LEADER of OLDHAM COUNCIL’s false statement was about me. I challenge OLDHAM COUNCIL to deny this. They know what’s coming from the misuse of the Council Chamber to make defamatory statements regarding members of the public.
As for me being a misogynist? The piece of street art at the beginning of this article was produced by my friends SNIK. It commemorates the Suffragette anniversary. You can go and see it in real life at the back of the police museum just off Stevenson Square. A team that I volunteer with helped pull it together. Here is the video that we released at the time. Decide for yourselves.
These people. I have no doubt that if I was white that they would be standing up and claiming racism!
Defending Gangland Goons
Incredulously, after falsely claiming that I had attacked her because she was a woman, AROOJ SHAH then continues to defend her exposed relationships with criminals claiming that she knew her friendships and relationships would be ‘difficult for some people to accept’, but added she ‘can't pretend they don’t exist, and certainly I can’t turn my back on people I’ve known since childhood’.
Whilst she references her brother (which I find understandable) she then actually names Irish Imy - Mohammed Imran Ali. So that there is no doubt about who this man is, not only has he spent the majority of his adult life in prison, as well as being DALE CREGAN’s getaway driver, this gangster is a convicted heroin dealer.
As she completed her speech, struggling to hold back her tears, all but one Councillor rose to their feet to give her a standing ovation. That’s correct, a standing ovation by a Councillor who confirms her relationship with this gangster who played his part in the murder of two policewomen, PCs Nicola Hughes, 23, and Fiona Bone, 32. NICOLA HUGHES was from Oldham.
Within hours, the said gangster had taken to Facebook to single out 2 Councillors who did not show his mate AROOJ SHAH the necessary level of support. Perhaps both Cllr FIDA HUSSAIN & SHOAB AKHTAR know full well who IRISH IMY and his gangster associates are and what they are actually capable of and have first hand experience of how the streets of Oldham have been flooded with heroin by these childhood friends of AROOJ SHAH?
Childhood Friends
In her speech, Cllr AROOJ SHAH claimed that she had known Irish Imy since she was 11 years old. When the Manchester Evening News ran the story of the events that unfolded at the Council Chamber, the headlines and content of the story was repeatedly changed. Comments were opened, deleted and then closed. Whilst I can only speculate why the MEN did what they did, before they could delete the comments section a concerning post had been made. I’ve attached a screen grab of this post below. You will see that it makes a number of seriously concerning allegations. As I have already proven AROOJ SHAH did not tell the truth in making her accusations of misogyny towards myself in the same way she failed to tell the truth of her relationship with GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE, I made some enquiries in to this post.
The allegations are as follows
AROOJ SHAH’s friendship with IRISH IMY only came about after IRISH IMY was locked up in BUCKLEY HALL with her money laundering brother.
AROOJ SHAH received a gift of Jimmy Choo shoes from IRISH IMY
JIM McMAHON wrote a letter of support for IRISH IMY’s parole.
I have heard these allegations before and was sufficiently concerned on JIM McMAHON’s potential involvement that I submitted an FOI request several months ago. Here is the link to the refused FOI request. I doubt JIM McMAHON will be any more forthcoming with a simple rebuttal any more than his failure to issue any explanation of the leaked BBC email that clearly incriminates him in using the funeral of LEE RIGBY to keep news of Grooming Gangs hidden from parents in Oldham. My personal view is that his silence speaks volumes.
As for the allegations regarding AROOJ SHAH’s history with IRISH IMY, what I have been able to determine is that the dates and venue of IRISH IMY and AROOJ SHAH’s brother prison sentence overlap.
Based upon the evidence that I have seen, my personal opinion is that IRISH IMY and AROOJ SHAH are NOT childhood friends from the age of 11 as she claims. There is a 2 year gap in age, they grew up in different neighbourhoods of Oldham (Werneth and Glodwick) and by the time Irish Imy was 15, he was already in custody. Now I don’t know about anybody else, but everyone that I claim to be a childhood friend of from my days at school, I have photograph of and stories to share of all the escapades we got involved in. If I was a betting man, I would bet that AROOJ SHAH’s childhood friend claim has no resemblance to the truth in the same way as her accusation of misogyny or her yo-yo declaration of GELATO’s ICE LOUNGE
I have also researched ‘SHANNY’. I am reluctant at this point to share any specifics here other than that ‘SHANNY’ was assaulted by Irish Imy and that a pig’s head was also involved in intimidating him. That’s correct, the same tactic as recently used to attack ex Cllr KAISER REHMAN.
Who controls Oldham?
Whilst SEAN FIELDING's Oldham Council might want to stand and applaud AROOJ SHAH in support of gangsters that have flooded our streets with heroin, I doubt very much that the people of Oldham feel the same.
What has taken place is a watershed moment in the history of our town. The link that many of us have long suspected is now there for all to see. Our town is not run by the politicians we elect. It is run by the gangsters and their associates. Gangsters that belong to criminal gangs that have been even proven to be responsible for the cold blooded murder of police officers.
Emboldened by Oldham Council's endorsement of DALE CREGAN's accomplish, these gangsters and their associates now believe that they have free reign. This is what happens when SEAN FIELDING's Oldham Council endorses the relationship of AROOJ SHAH with criminals and both JIM McMAHON and ANGELA RAYNER take to social media to double down their support.
Oldham Council is no longer in the control of law abiding officials. It has been infiltrated by the criminal Cartels. Those like Cllrs Fida and Shoab, who know first hand what these gangsters are capable of, are also being named and targeted by AROOJ SHAH's gangster childhood friend.
You will notice that SEAN FIELDING, ABDUL JABBAR, AROOJ SHAH, SAHID MUSHTAQ nor any of Dr CAROLYN WILKINS team of officers condemn either the pig's head attack on Kaiser's family home or the death threats their friends and associates have repeatedly made towards myself.
Be under no illusion, those that have flooded our streets with heroin, groomed and trafficked our children, laundered money through their dodgy businesses are now prepared to take to the streets and use guns to protect their empire.
Whilst we may have exposed the link between organised crime and the Council, I am still in shock that this LABOUR PARTY run Council would create a scenario where AROOJ SHAH would be able to play the victim and the Council all bar one stand up and endorse someone like Irish Imy.
There is NO alternative. The government MUST intervene and take over administration of Oldham. The Asian Mafia now openly rules Oldham.
Those following events from the early days of this saga will be aware that I am the one who has been the victim of harassment and abuse that AROOJ SHAH actually makes reference to. This harrasment and abuse has included death threats and calls for Islamists to kill me. These threats have been made by friends of AROOJ SHAH. They have also been encouraged by Cllr SAHID MUSHTAQ's brother TAHIR MUSHTAQ.
As for the latest death threats that I have received. I don't care who you are, how many you are, of what weapons you have. I don't fear you. I don't fear any of you. You are scum and I will not live in fear because you have the politicians and the Council Officers in your pockets.