Welcome to Oldham Podcast - Echoes of Truth
Echoes of Truth
When they censor our words, our voices become clearer
Since I first started raising concerns regarding the failures to safeguard children in our town and the behaviour of Oldham Council Officers and their Labour Party politician paymasters, I have faced threats of violence, attempts to assault me, threatening letters from lawyers representing the Deputy Leader of Oldham Council and clumsy attempts to involve the Police to silence me.
Most recently, the Leader of Oldham Council, Sean Fielding, took to social media to mock the removal of a petition that ONLY called for an independent investigation in to historical child abuse. He also wrote to me where he informed he how he would be punishing those that were bravely leaking me information.
Throughout this entire episode, the mainstream media has been silent, refusing to report on what is taking place in Oldham. Eventually forced to report, the local press did little more than re-issue Oldham Council’s press releases. They made no mention to this emerging story.
Despite the media blackout, the threats and the censorship, news of the Welcome to Oldham series spread across the town and beyond. In a desperate bid to prevent the truth from coming out, those exposed by what I revealed managed to censor my Medium pages. They should have known better. Censorship only drew more people’s attention.
The Welcome to Oldham series and the accompanying Facebook revelations have now reached an audience of over 1 million. Listen to this podcast put together by my friends @Blineuk. Make your own mind up.