Welcome to Oldham
The explosive Welcome to Oldham series lifts the lid on the relationship between Labour Party politicians, Council Officers and the Asian Criminal Cartels that really run the town. Originally posted on Medium, its censorship was celebrated by senior Oldham Council figures with what they believed was a successful attempt at hiding these revelations. Undeterred, Raja Miah MBE transferred his findings to the Recusant-Nine platform where he continues to reveal the inner workings of a morally bankrupt Council. His disclosures will be all too familiar to those who have knowledge and experience of Labour Party controlled towns and cities reliant on the Asian Muslim block vote.
As a consequence of his revelations, and having failed to stop his posts through all legal means including failing to have him arrested, senior individuals within Oldham Council have associated themselves with convicted criminals and even endorsed his murder in an attempt to silence him.
Though originally intended for the people of his hometown, the Welcome to Oldham series has now been read by an audience of over 1 million by people from across the world. Raja Miah’s message to all those who have read his posts and stand against criminals and their political associates that freely operate as a consequence of their partnership with public officials is a simple one.

Welcome to Oldham Part VII
It was only a matter of time before I was called in to a police station. If I’m honest, I’m surprised that it has taken this long. I know that for the best part of a year senior Labour Party politicians have attempted to have me arrested. So far they had failed and I have continued to raise concerns regarding the failings of those that lead my hometown of Oldham.

Welcome to Oldham Part VI
On the 8th January 2020, Oldham changed forever when the Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, AROOJ SHAH stood to present a motion claiming to tackle harassment and abuse in public life. Instead, she used the opportunity to defend her friendship with a notorious underworld figure who had assisted DALE CREGAN in his killing spree that included the murder of two policewomen, one from Oldham. Incredulously, the Council Chamber responded by rising to their feet and gave her a standing ovation.

Welcome to Oldham Part V
Dark, Very dark. The ex Mayor knows what happened. Jim McMahon MP, at the time Council Leader knows what happened. All the Council Officers including the Chief Executive, Carolyn Wilkins know what happened. Now you also know.
Welcome to Oldham Part V - Where those that protect children are outcast and punished, whilst others are rewarded with the ceremonial chains of high office

Welcome to Oldham Part IV
In Rochdale, the Police identified 47 girls as potential victims of a peadophile grooming gang. The youngest was 10 years old. Experts estimate the real number of victims to have been over 10,000. In Rotherham, where 19 men were convicted, the official inquiry found that at least 1,400 girls had been exploited. In Oldham, even though the ringleader of the Rochdale Grooming Gang, Shabir Ahmed, worked for the Council with vulnerable children and families (a fact kept hidden from the public), the town itself appeared to have had a lucky escape. Until now…

Welcome to Oldham Part III
Revised, following censorship celebrated on social media by Oldham Council leader Sean Fielding, this is an in-depth analysis in to Jim McMahon’s Parliamentary Assistant and Deputy Leader of Oldham Council, Cllr Arooj Shah. Including damning revelations of her associations with multiple serious underworld figures and her involvement in Gelato’s Ice Lounge, it is no surprise that this is the report that many in Oldham Council and Sean Fielding’s Oldham Labour Party do not want people to see.

Welcome to Oldham Part II
Democracy in Oldham is broken. In order to maintain control, unscrupulous white politicians have conspired with cartels in the Asian communities through which they have secured the Asian block vote. By any means necessary and at any cost necessary they have worked together, one looking after the other.

Welcome to Oldham Part I
An analysis of the marginalisation of the white working class by the Labour Party controlled Oldham Council and the Cosmopolitan Fake Liberal Elite that works here. Part I of the explosive Welcome to Oldham series details the techniques they have used for the last 40 years through which they have ensured that the people in the town stay poor whilst they prosper.

Welcome to Oldham Podcast - Echoes of Truth
Following the MSM blackout and the censorship of Parts III & IV of Welcome to Oldham on Medium and the taking to social media by Oldham Council Leader Sean Fielding to gloat and mock the removal of a petition calling for a genuinely independent investigation in to historical child abuse in Oldham, my friends @blineuk helped me produce this podcast. Have a listen and tell me it doesn’t echo true.